The Process Intelligence, using the data registered by (or in) the information systems during organization's day to day operations, allows analyzing in detail the performance of the actual way of working.
Whereas Discovery learns descriptive models and Verification measures the alignment between reality and normative models, this application aims at identfifying how the as-is situation can be improved or extended.
Reference models can be used to verify wether the systems support the real world according to requirements and specifications or offer opportunities for improvement.
Simulations or predictions can be performed in order to investigate the effect of changes of any aspect of the processes.
Different methodologies are used, according to the investigated perspectives (activity flow, organization or business rules) and the expected pieces of information (for example: bottle necks, detailed performance, resource optimization, process simulation, predictions, etc.). Some of them are from Process Analysis (BPA), Business Intelligence and process simulation fields, others are ad hoc alghoritms (some of them often collected under the process mining umbrella), all implemented in well known programming languages (mostly R) or using existing analysis tools.