Process-in  the Dots

Most organizations today have a formal business strategy process. Those that do not have a formal process have some informal method of determining business goals and direction. In any case, to achieve a solid, business oriented and proven strategy it is necessary to link the usual dots : collection of  business  needs,  identification  of the constraints, drawing of the business strategy , listing of the business requirements, business rules  and regulatory, alignment across business and execution strategies, definition of the enabling organizationand IT systems to simulate new processes or existing ones and to land into and start the "execution" phase.

Promotu consistently believes that process acts both as a connector and an enabler, allowing various independent disciplines to seamlessly work together towards a common goal.

Promotu  “links the dots”, by a comprehensive methodology , to get the  best of the breed of the available approaches and line of thinking,  aiming to take advantage of the incoming new paradigms,  adapting to new challenges and changes in business context.


the process connects the dots


Many organizations struggle to execute on their enterprises' strategies and strategic initiatives. Process-in the dots is a structured method for identifying, documenting and relates among them the interdependencies and implications of business area strategies as they act as the company  strategy.

Process-in the Dots  addresses these issues by providing a conceptual framework (the model) to assist executives in surfacing and addressing the interdependencies and conflicts that prevent strategies from executing properly. Process-in the dots  is not a framework for creating corporate strategy, nor does it address the creation of individual business area strategies (that is, IT strategy, sourcing strategy, sales strategy or marketing strategy). Rather, it provides a way of identifying and integrate the interdependencies between the strategies of different business areas to ensure the coherent execution of the corporate strategies, that is the connecting processes.

Process-in the Dots is  a method and process framework that can be adopted for one shot analysis or as a stable and lasting way of working, focusing on the  continuous improvement philosophy